How to Treat Your Migraines Yourself with Acupressure
by: Brian B. Carter, MS, LAc
Acupuncture and migraine treatment, like all acupuncture, is based on the principles and theories of Chinese medicine. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the causes are emotional excesses (stress, long-term emotional disturbance, even just long-term frustration!), dietary imbalance (too much of the wrong foods and too little of the right ones), and the deficiencies inherent in the aging process can lead to the symptoms of migraine.
Acupuncture points may be different for acute attacks, and for prevention. There is acupuncture to treat, for example, a one-sided headache, and then a slightly different acupuncture to treat the susceptibility to stress that causes it.
Acupuncture Tips
Acupuncture and migraine treatment, like all acupuncture, is based on the principles and theories of Chinese medicine. From a Chinese Medicine perspective, the causes are emotional excesses (stress, long-term emotional disturbance, even just long-term frustration!), dietary imbalance (too much of the wrong foods and too little of the right ones), and the deficiencies inherent in the aging process can lead to the symptoms of migraine.
Acupuncture points may be different for acute attacks, and for prevention. There is acupuncture to treat, for example, a one-sided headache, and then a slightly different acupuncture to treat the susceptibility to stress that causes it.
Acupuncture Tips