Monday, April 10, 2006

How Acupuncture Can Help Acne

Acne is a common problem among teens - so common, in fact, that it is expected. Acne is caused by excessive skin oil which results in a clogging of the pores, which leads to pimples. Acne can occur on the face, the back, and the trunk. It is normally very not very serious, and does not normally require any thing more than keeping the skin clean, and using over-the-counter medication.

There are some people though, who have a much more serious form. For them it is painful, embarrassing, and it can leave permanent scars on their face and body. Ordinary medicine will not help them very much, and they will need to see a dermatologist in order to get some real help, and relief.

Acupuncture May Be Able To Help

While its principles and the reasons why it works are totally unknown to Western science, it nevertheless has been found to be helpful in many different cases - including more severe cases of acne. Basically the Chinese philosophy behind it deals with the yin and yang view of life. These two life-forces, they say, need to be in balance in the body as they flow through the body's 12 meridian points. A blockage, or excess of one over the other, leads to medical problems, causing pain.

Acupuncture Tips


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