How Acupuncture Can Help Insomnia
Having insomnia often gets more complicated with time. Although usually brought on by various circumstances of life, and rather short lasting, sometimes it can be much more serious. It is common in our day, about 32 million suffer from some form of it. Here are some things you need to know about how acupuncture can help insomnia.
The Problems Created By long-lasting Insomnia
Most people's bouts with insomnia does not usually last more than three weeks. When it is this short it usually does not affect that much, except to cause the individual to be continuously tired and a little mentally sluggish for the duration. Chronic insomnia, however, can last over several years, and, with the increased time, the symptoms get worse. In general, they become a real risk to themselves and to those around them. They become an accident waiting to happen. Here are a few of the symptoms:
· Constant tiredness
· Not able to focus for any period of time
· May fall asleep while performing daily duties
· May be moody, or depressed
· Leads to lower level of immunity
The Problems Created By long-lasting Insomnia
Most people's bouts with insomnia does not usually last more than three weeks. When it is this short it usually does not affect that much, except to cause the individual to be continuously tired and a little mentally sluggish for the duration. Chronic insomnia, however, can last over several years, and, with the increased time, the symptoms get worse. In general, they become a real risk to themselves and to those around them. They become an accident waiting to happen. Here are a few of the symptoms:
· Constant tiredness
· Not able to focus for any period of time
· May fall asleep while performing daily duties
· May be moody, or depressed
· Leads to lower level of immunity