Thursday, March 30, 2006

5 Questions You Have to Ask Your Acupuncture Specialist!

Five Questions You Have to Ask Your Acupuncturist!
by Diane Joswick, L.Ac.

Acupuncture works! But your experience with acupuncture will depend largely on the acupuncture provider that you choose.

You want to find an acupuncturist that best suits your needs. If you like and trust your practitioner, your encounter with acupuncture will be more positive.

You will also want to know about the acupuncturists training and experience and what to expect from the acupuncture treatment. The clearer you are about who it is that is treating you and exactly what the treatment entails, the more you will be able to relax during the acupuncture session and benefit from this ancient form of health care.

Acupuncture Tips


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